Good morning. I noticed that the wardrobe door is starting to give way. I think we will have to replace the inside door panel, but I'm sure you know that better than me.
Good morning. I noticed that the wardrobe door is starting to give way. I think we will have to replace the inside door panel, but I'm sure you know that better than me.
Il faudrait remettre en état cette armoire ikea: portes défaites, resserré le tout, joindre les armoires, refaire le tiroir.
Prévoir les outils et des vis et de la colle.
Il y a une armoire ikea a deplacer et a reparer (renforcer la structure zvec un mdf ou une planche)
Reparer la porte de placard de cuisine
2h max de boulot.
Venir avec son materiel.