Mon Acer, qui a environ 2 ou 3 ans, ne s'allume plus. Au départ, il ne chargeait pas correctement, la lumière orange était bleue et l'ordinateur bipait fortement.
Maintenant, il ne s'allume plus du tout. Je suis intéressé par un devis pour la réparation. Merci !
I need INTERNAL DUST CLEANING for my laptop.
I need the coolers to be checked and if they are dead to be replaced.
I need a windows 10 / system check, and a reinstall if needed.
I have a recovery USB disk.
No need of data to be saved.
The laptop starts but very slow and has a software or hardware problem (the HDD goes from normal load to 100% load and the laptop freezes for some minutes, then back).
The job can be done AT MY PLACE.
I can also bring the laptop to your place, but I CAN’T LEAVE IT! I WILL ASSIST DURING THE WHOLE INTERVENTION.
I need it today (2nd of January) or tomorrow (3rd of January).
The laptop is an Asus Alienware with i7, 8GB of RAM snd a 1TB SSD.
If any other info is needed, please ask.
Thank you!