Bonjour Valérie, j'espère que vous allez bien. Comme convenu je reviens vers vous pour une prochaine prestation. Je n'ai malheureusement pas bien enregistré votre numéro. Pourriez-vous me le partager via la messagerie ? Merci d'avance et très bonne fin de journée
Coucou c’est un studio, j’ai prêté mon studio à une copine et elle me l’a rendu en bordel, j’ai mis 5h mais je pense pas que tu auras besoin de 5 heures mais je te paierai 50e quand même
Coucou c’est un studio, j’ai prêté mon studio à une copine et elle me l’a rendu en bordel, j’ai mis 5h mais je pense pas que tu auras besoin de 5 heures mais je te paierai 50e quand même
Je viens d’emménager dans un appartement vide mais il est un peu sale et j’aimerai qu’il soit nickel pour l’arrivée de mes meubles dimanche.
Il faudrait faire un nettoyage complet des sols, des armoires intérieurs extérieurs, petit coup sur les fenêtres, la salle de bain à fond, toilette également et les poussières en générale de l’appartement.
Bref, un nettoyage complet ! En espérant voir du bon travail afin que je puisse vous rappeler pour des rappels mensuels afin de nettoyer l’appartement.
I would need help with cleaning the house. The house is small, just 2 rooms and 1 small toilet.
It would be ideal this monday or on wednesday.
Let me know when you would be available, thanks!
I would need help with cleaning the house. The house is small, just 2 rooms and 1 small toilet.
It would be ideal this monday or on wednesday.
Let me know when you would be available, thanks!
I would need help with cleaning the house. The house is small, just 2 rooms and 1 small toilet.
It would be ideal this monday or on wednesday.
Let me know when you would be available, thanks!
I would need help with cleaning the house. The house is small, just 2 rooms and 1 small toilet.
It would be ideal this monday or on wednesday.
Let me know when you would be available, thanks!
I would need help with cleaning the house. The house is small, just 2 rooms and 1 small toilet.
It would be ideal this monday or on wednesday.
Let me know when you would be available, thanks!
I would need help with cleaning the house. The house is small, just 2 rooms and 1 small toilet.
It would be ideal this monday or on wednesday.
Let me know when you would be available, thanks!
I would need help with cleaning the house. The house is small, just 2 rooms and 1 small toilet.
It would be ideal this monday or on wednesday.
Let me know when you would be available, thanks!
I would need help with cleaning the house. The house is small, just 2 rooms and 1 small toilet.
It would be ideal this monday or on wednesday.
Let me know when you would be available, thanks!
I would need help with cleaning the house. The house is small, just 2 rooms and 1 small toilet.
It would be ideal this monday or on wednesday.
Let me know when you would be available, thanks!
I would need help with cleaning the house. The house is small, just 2 rooms and 1 small toilet.
It would be ideal this monday or on wednesday.
Let me know when you would be available, thanks!
I would need help with cleaning the house. The house is small, just 2 rooms and 1 small toilet.
It would be ideal this monday or on wednesday.
Let me know when you would be available, thanks!
I would need help with cleaning the house. The house is small, just 2 rooms and 1 small toilet.
It would be ideal this monday or on wednesday.
Let me know when you would be available, thanks!